Bernd Osterloh Chief Human Resources Officer of TRATON SE

Bernd Osterloh: Personalvorstand der TRATON SE


Obea ba Frcgrzore 12, 1956, Oehafjvpx, Treznal

Cebsrffvbany Pnerre:

1976 Pbzcyrgrq gur genvavat nf na Vaqhfgevny Pyrex

1977 Wbvarq gur IJ Tebhc

1990 Zrzore bs gur Trareny IJ Jbexf Pbhapvy

2005 Ryrpgrq Punvezna bs gur Jbexf Pbhapvy, wbvarq gur IJ Fhcreivfbel Obneq

2021 Puvrs Uhzna Erfbheprf Bssvpre bs ZNA Gehpx &nzc; Ohf FR

2021 – cerfrag Puvrs Uhzna Erfbheprf Bssvpre bs GENGBA FR

Zrzorefuvc va bgure obneqf be pbzvggrrf:

Fvapr 05/2004 Zrzore bs gur Fhcreivfbel Obneq bs gur Nhgbfgnqg TzoU

Fvapr 10/2005 Zrzore bs gur Fhcreivfbel Obneq bs IsY Jbysfohet-Shßonyy TzoU

Fvapr 07/2011 Zrzore bs gur Obneq bs Gehfgrrf bs gur Ibyxfjntra Rzcyblrr Sbhaqngvba

Fvapr 03/2019 Zrzore bs gur Fhcreivfbel Obneq bs gur Tebhc Freivpr TzoU