About HUK-Coburg
Over the past five years HUK-COBURG has managed to achieve portfolio growth in its main business segment of car insurance, increasing the total number of insured vehicles by two million to 13.7 million. In terms of its policy portfolio, HUK-COBURG is Germany’s biggest car insurer.
One in five German cars is HUK-insured. This above-average growth is largely due to HUK-COBURG’s attractive premiums and its early adoption of digital technology. Founded in 2000, the online-only insurance company HUK24 has made an important contribution to the group’s growth. HUK24 has been the largest direct car insurer in Germany for a while, with more than two million insured vehicles today.
Innovation is a HUK-COBURG trademark. From claims management and Autoservice to the Telematik Plus telematics product, HUK is quickly and efficiently adopting new insurance market developments.
Car insurance is the HUK-COBURG insurance group’s traditional line of business and it accounts for more than half of its premium income. However, HUK-COBURG is also a key player in other insurance segments. It is one of the largest providers of home contents and personal liability insurance in the German market. With about 13 million customers and a premium volume of more than 8 billion euros recently, the HUK-COBURG insurance group considers itself as the leading German insurance company catering to private individuals.
96444 Coburg
Website: www.huk.de